Meet Our Team: Will Acker

What is your hometown?
I am originally from Bay Saint Louis, a small town on the coast of Mississippi. 

What is your job title and favorite part of your job at traction?
I’m a "Sports Performance Specialist". My favorite part about my job at Traction is pushing clients to limits they did not know their body could reach. It creates a bond with that person that can last a lifetime and that is special. 

What brought you into the training/sports field?
I've been involved with sports since I was a kid, but what brought me to training was actually an injury I sustained my senior year of high school. The support around me after suffering mentally and physically from my injury, especially from my trainer and physical therapist, pushed me to become the trainer I am today.

What's your favorite/one of your favorite quotes?
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." Maya Angelou

Explain your favorite exercise/drill and what is it used for.
I really enjoy doing any closed chain lower body exercise. I would say my current favorite is the front squat because of the amount of unsuspected exertion that is needed in the core muscles. Pushing nearly every muscle in your body to complete one goal. Just one repetition is exciting to me. The benefit of a front squat rather than a back squat is to engage more of your quads rather than your glutes. It also challenges your lower back and torso to remain upright in a powerful position during the lift.